Waistbeads Gold & Red


Sensual jewelry designed to balance one’s body & hips, these beads will accentuate your naked form, encircling your hips. A tradition that dates back to Ancient Egypt. It is said that waistbeads help you keep track of your weight.

Ultimately, these beads are for you, and your lover's eyes only.

Africooo has a wide range of waistbeads beads including luminescent ones. A rather innovative way to find one’s partner to find their way to you don’t you agree?

The cost is £8 per Strand. Traditionally, three strands are worn.

These have simple metal fastening clips to secure the beads.

Once worn, they are practically forgotten as they are very soft and do not disturb your skin.

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Waistbeads Red & Gold
Waistbeads Green & Gold
Waistbeads Black & Gold
Waistbeads Glow in the Dark